Friday, March 6, 2009

Poetry schmoetry

Hey girls! So I am wanting to post some art soon, but I wanted to comment first. Ann-Maree, yay! And why are you intimidated about poetic? Seems like you have your own poetic thing going on. There is something poetic, comic, and truly human (a universal experience) about miscommunication or failed attempts at things, whether it be enhancing the mind or body. I really like the simplicity of your illustrations. I went to a couple of the NY art fairs yesterday, and it seemed like there was this vein of illustrative type work, lots of work on paper. I feel I am more drawn to work on paper than on canvas sometimes. Not sure entirely why. Anyway, I want to see more! Are these going to eventually be sculptures? Have you considered sound as part of an installation? I think it might work really well, with drawings or sculptures. Did you have models with your sculptures in your thesis, some kind of performance? I am trying to remember what Tori told me of it.
Also, can we vote on adding members? I know we got the green light for Eleanor from Tori, and I am for adding Luccia, but I want us to be unanimous if we add people. Should we still keep it small? Would six be too overwhelming? Ok, more art soon (I am thinking of doing notecard drawings just to get myself thinking, and then posting them like mental snapshots, till I can make some larger work -- scanning and posting them should be easier than larger stuff). Ok, take care, talk to you guys soon!


  1. Yeah, unanimous is a good idea. But let's not be a sorority. Or is that too late?

  2. Haha-- I just meant unanimous in that everyone is comfortable with it. If you're not, Mori and Ann-Maree, speak up. It's not a problem -- we can keep it small.
