Friday, March 6, 2009

Poetry schmoetry

Hey girls! So I am wanting to post some art soon, but I wanted to comment first. Ann-Maree, yay! And why are you intimidated about poetic? Seems like you have your own poetic thing going on. There is something poetic, comic, and truly human (a universal experience) about miscommunication or failed attempts at things, whether it be enhancing the mind or body. I really like the simplicity of your illustrations. I went to a couple of the NY art fairs yesterday, and it seemed like there was this vein of illustrative type work, lots of work on paper. I feel I am more drawn to work on paper than on canvas sometimes. Not sure entirely why. Anyway, I want to see more! Are these going to eventually be sculptures? Have you considered sound as part of an installation? I think it might work really well, with drawings or sculptures. Did you have models with your sculptures in your thesis, some kind of performance? I am trying to remember what Tori told me of it.
Also, can we vote on adding members? I know we got the green light for Eleanor from Tori, and I am for adding Luccia, but I want us to be unanimous if we add people. Should we still keep it small? Would six be too overwhelming? Ok, more art soon (I am thinking of doing notecard drawings just to get myself thinking, and then posting them like mental snapshots, till I can make some larger work -- scanning and posting them should be easier than larger stuff). Ok, take care, talk to you guys soon!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Yay Annie-M!

I love the illustration. I think these drawings are so funny in their simplicity, while asserting a slick cheekiness. This is great! I'm glad you're narrowing to "modern love" right now. And I'm chuckling at the close representation of you and Jason. Are these guache or watercolor? It really is lovely.

How's the new studio? Take a pic when you get it set up. I'm feeling lame as my wasp nest didn't get accepted into a "Women in the Arts" show here. I saw the gallery, and they had a lot of junk up. Rrg.

I added a links section for artist opportunities. Sometimes I stick my head in the sand, not wanting to know what deadlines I'm missing-- but these are here if you want them. One is a call for a group show-- Lis, I'm thinking we could tailor our works to something group themish? It's not open to TX, but you could claim an Arkansas presence?

Gotta run-- more later.
Hey ladies I am running late, but I have comments, so they will have to wait till tonight. Suffice to say for now, I am so happy to see posts in the morning, and yes invite Luccia! I would love to see her stuff -- anyway, I think that only makes 6 of us right? If eleanor and Lucc are there? That is manageable. Let's do it! More later. Love, Lisa

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sorry, I have been putting this off for awhile.....also intimidated by the wonderful, poetic works you ladies are doing compared to my simple illustrations.....

I am just about to move into the Lemp Brewery, into my first real artist studio!  I am excited but also cowering under the pressure of having my own studio (that means responsibility to my calling right?).

I am about to embark on another series of objects that I hope will accumulate into a larger installation, that at this moment I have entitled "Love Postures".  It will be an investigation (as Tori knows) into Modern Love.   Each of the works (like my past works) will involve accessories for the body that are intended to act as a kind of prosthetic or enhancement for the body/mind....but ultimately fails (like the communication device shown here).  I'll post more once I have had more time to think through the ideas....I've got to go to bed now.  


Invites and Musings

Yay, invite Eleanor. I kind of want to invite Lucia too. Is that okay with you guys? I'm just afraid of it getting so big that people stop responding to each other.

And Mori, you've got great observations. Your motivations for creating may be different. (I feel like my career hangs on what I create.) I agree with Lis-- it doesn't have to be visual. But maybe it would help you to post some tune/ scales you play with and pair an image with it-- something you're drawn to or think of as you play. I'm thinking of those birds you filmed...

I listened to a great This American Life from '96... (I think I've listened to every episode from the last 5 years). The theme waas simulated realities. The show began with a reference to an Umberto Ecco essay I hadn't read-- a/b simulated worlds as particularly American. For the essay, Ecco went to oddles of wax musems and saw about 7 representations of Da Vinci's "Last Supper." Anyway, Ecco comments how simulating and re-presenting other worlds/pasts to the minutest detail is particularly American because
a) We equate significance (and I might argue, comfort) with lavishness, "no expense spared" aesthetic
b) As a country, we have a recent history and anchor ourselves by trying to authenticate other, more rooted/longer historied pasts (ex: Medieval Times)

Without going into endless depth, the show made me think of my MFA show and how in a sense, I was re-presenting other places, including specific details in order to recall or authenticate an individual's experience of that place. But i wasn't concerned with re-inacting or creating a microcosm of another place/experience. I don't want simulated experience. I wanted a sample of an individual's experience but without confusing or presuming to know exactly how that individual interpreted these places...

So, what I'm trying to process is whether my piece was very American... how to distinguish b/w simulation and paying homage (?) to another's experience of place... (I'm thinking this as I finish my wasp nest-- which is more of a reference to other's homes... still not sure what to make of it?)

Monday, March 2, 2009


Mor, don't feel pressured to do a visual piece. Do what makes you rest in that place of creating. It could be as simple as playing scales. The exploring is the important thing! It is the means to the end. I would love to hear a recording, even if it is a blank video. Who knows, maybe we could start kicking installation/ sound installation ideas around. If you know adding more things makes you scattered instead of inspired, do what you can focus on. Sound is art. I don't think this blog is limited to visual art. An idea is an idea! So go with what you got that gives to your life and doesn't take away and make you feel stressed.
Also, as an update, Eleanor is putting her press on her back porch (which she is getting glassed in), so that is exciting!! I am hoping I can go hang out with her on weekends and print sometimes. Ok, girls, I gotta go eat. My brain feels like it's running on trash or something. Need some protein.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

i feel like more of a voyeur than an artist. should i ban myself from this forum? the closest thing i'm doing to "art" right now is writing letters, and playing viola. i don't know why i think those things don't "count". i think i still get stuck in that school mentality where everything has to mean something and exploring is just the throw away stuff.

i will try to do something postable this week. we'll see. sometimes i think it's just not where i am right now, and sometimes i think everything we do could be "art" in some sense...i have learned that i tend to only focus well on one thing at a time so i don't want to get so caught up in "making" that i don't get my studying done.

was that just a list of excuses? sorry. does anyone know how to post sound? i might have to do it as a blank video, which just seems silly...

i love seeing what you guys are doing though. tori, it adds such an extra dimension to hear you talk about what inspired that locust piece, and i love that it's something that people are drawn to whether they know the inspiration behind it or not.

lisa, i really like the ones with the scaffolding. you managed to take something so mundane and industrial and make it kind of dreamlike. it's funny that you found those similar shapes to the ships you were doing before. there's a nice flow to that.

okay i am assigning myself something like homework so i can hopefully join in the fray. goodnight.